Coronavirus (COVID-19)
As instructed by His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph, we have canceled all public worship services until further notice.
The prayers of the Church will continue, but in accordance with the Metropolitan’s directive, it will be with clergy and two chanters only. These are not public services—although we will be live-streaming all of our services. While inside the church, the limited clergy and chanters will practice social distancing.
In this fluid situation, the schedule is subject to change based on the directives of local and state officials. We will keep our Calendar page updated with our schedule of services which will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel.
We do not know when these restrictions will be lifted, but Metropolitan Joseph and the leaders of the Church are closely monitoring the situation and will make further announcements as events warrant.
While we will be be distant from one another, we can still be united in prayer. The Antiochian Archdiocese has provided instructions for services that can be read at home, which we will provide as they become available. Let this be a time where families come together to grow in faith.
Confession and Communion? Contact Fr. Steve if there is dire need. Otherwise, while we are deprived of these sacraments, let us increase our fervent prayers and repentance.
This is sure to come as a shock, but this is the sacrifice that we are called to make . Metropolitan Joseph shares the following:
Beloved faithful, we are in this time of struggle together. Although we are in the difficult circumstances of canceling those blessed events that bring us physically together… we must redouble our efforts to be spiritually united in our prayers.…
In one of our recent communications, we discussed the inspiration we can take from the life of St. Mary of Egypt and the monks of the Sinai desert. We send this letter to you after reading of her blessed life last night during Compline. Once again, I ask you to commit to a time of fervent prayer and sincere repentance. We need to strengthen our entreaties to the Lord to dispel all wrath stirred up against us and deliver us from this pandemic. Let us continue to raise up our prayers for the nurses and doctors, the sick and suffering, the civil authorities and first responders, the reposed and grieving. We, your hierarchs, who will continue meeting weekly during these trying times, also ask your holy prayers that our deliberations will be guided by the inspiration of the All-Holy Spirit. Please be assured of our heartfelt and unceasing prayers for all of you, our dear spiritual children.