Holy Week at Home


Services will continue to be served by clergy and two chanters only; these are not open to the public. The faithful are encouraged to participate by reading the services at home and/or prayerfully watching the services on streaming video.

This is truly an unprecedented time, with the faithful deprived of the Divine Services during Holy Week. Yet, despite being confined to our homes, we can still make the most of this situation by devoting ourselves to prayer and fervent devotion by ourselves or with our families. Let us call to mind the parable of the Wise Virgins who kept their lamps burning, and let us also keep the lamps of our prayers burning throughout this Great and Holy Week.

Behold, the Bridegroom cometh at midnight, and blessed is the servant whom He shall find awake!

Live Streaming

We will be streaming many of the major services on our YouTube channel according to the schedule on the Calendar page. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel—and be sure to click the bell icon to be notified whenever we go live.

Home Prayer

If you own a copy of The Services of Great and Holy Week from the Antiochian Archdiocese, please read the appointed services throughout the week, skipping the litanies and prayers which are proper to the priest and deacon.

For those who do not have this book, our Reader John has put together reader’s versions of the daily services for home prayer, using the public domain service texts of Archimandrite Fr. Ephraim Lash, which you can view or print according to the schedule below. Or click here to download all the services (ZIP file). (If reader’s service texts from the Antiochian Archdiocese become available online, we will post them instead.)

Either way, we pray you will meditate deeply on these holy services throughout the week, and find yourself enriched. No amount of effort will go unrewarded.

Lazarus Saturday

Palm Sunday (The Entrance into Jerusalem)

Holy & Great Monday (The Withered Fig Tree)

  • Strict fasting day.

  • Suggested Morning Prayers 📄 Text

  • Holy Monday Midday Hours 📄 Text

  • Holy Tuesday Bridegroom Matins ▶️ Video (6 PM) 📄 Text

Holy & Great Tuesday (The Parable of the Ten Virgins)

  • Strict fasting day.

  • Suggested Morning Prayers 📄 Text

  • Holy Tuesday Midday Hours 📄 Text

  • Holy Wednesday Bridegroom Matins ▶️ Video (6 PM) 📄 Text

Holy & Great Wednesday (The Harlot who anointed the Lord’s feet)

  • Strict fasting day.

  • Suggested Morning Prayers 📄 Text

  • Holy Wednesday Midday Hours 📄 Text

  • Holy Thursday Matins ▶️ Video (6 PM) 📄 Text

Holy & Great Thursday (The Mystical Supper)

Holy & Great Friday (The Crucifixion and Burial of Our Lord)

Holy & Great Saturday (The Harrowing of Hades)

Holy & Great Pascha (The Glorious Resurrection)