
Your tax-deductible donations help us build our church and serve our community. We can accept donations by check and online. God bless you for your support!

Online by PayPal

Please click here to donate securely by PayPal.

(PayPal donations no longer incur a fee for us!)

You can also set up a recurring donation through PayPal if you want to auto-withdraw a donation weekly or at regular times of your choice.

By Check

Please make checks payable to "St. Willibrord Antiochian Orthodox Church." Donations may be placed in the offering box at our services, or they may be mailed to the address below.

St. Willibrord Antiochian Orthodox Church 
512 S Waverly Rd., Ste. 260
Holland, MI 49423

Special Projects

We welcome donations towards our special fundraising projects:

  • Building Fund. We moved into a significantly larger facility in 2020, and we think it will serve our needs for the next few years. But our long-term vision is to purchase or build a permanent church building, and we are especially grateful to those who support this vision.

Your Prayers

Even if you are not able to support us financially, we request your prayers as we continue in this effort of building up our church in the Holland/Zeeland community.